
Hochschulen und Forschungsinstitute (© GDCh)

In die GDCh-Stellenliste "Hochschulen und Forschungsinstitute" werden Stellenausschreibungen von Doktorand:innen- und Postdoktorand:innenstellen an Hochschulen und anderen Einrichtungen des öffentlichen Dienstes aufgenommen, die sich an Absolvent:innen eines Studiums der Chemie, Biochemie, Lebensmittelchemie, Chemieingenieurwesen, Physik oder verwandter Richtungen wenden. Angebote auf Deutsch oder Englisch aus dem In- und Ausland sind willkommen.

Informationen für Stellenanbieter:innen von Doktorand:innen- und Postdocstellen

Information for job advertisers with doctoral and post-doctoral positions 

Zur Stellenliste "Professuren und wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs"

Stellenliste vom 9. September 2024

Ph.D. Position in Biochemistry: Elucidation of the redox regulation mechanism of human histone deacetylase 8; Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany; to be filled as soon as possible. We are an interdisciplinary group of synthetic chemists, biochemists and biophysicists working on the functional modulation of histone deacetylases and their interactions with ligands. Your responsibilities include the application of biochemical, molecular and cell biological methods to elucidate the mechanism by which external and internal redox signals are transmitted to the important cancer target HDAC8 and thereby regulate its function. We invite applications from individuals holding a M.Sc. or an equivalent degree. Please submit your application, which should include a CV, academic transcripts, and a cover letter detailing your background, motivation, and interest, in a single PDF file to Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Meyer-Almes (franz-josef.meyer-almes@h-da.de). Feel free to contact us in advance if you have any questions. We look forward to receiving your application! Visit our website for more details here

The Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research at Israeli Universities in STEM, Humanities, and Social Sciences. The online application for the 2025–26 cohort is open here. The Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship supports the best and brightest minds in their postdoctoral research in Israel, connecting them with world-class academics and leading researchers. The fellowship is made up of a basic stipend of ILS 168,000 per academic year, with an additional ILS 20,000 granted annually for research expenses and research-related travel. The fellowship is offered for two years with an option of Renewal for a third year. The online application opens September 1, 2024, and closes November 18, 2024. The fellowship is open to candidates who have received their PhD degree no earlier than November 1, 2021, in all countries except Israel. At the time of application, candidates are required to have an academic sponsor, who is a faculty member at an eligible Israeli academic institution. Requirements are detailed in the guidelines on our website here. For any questions, please contact: fellows@azrielifoundation.org.

We are currently seeking a PhD student or postdoctoral fellow in the new field of protein mechanoradicals to join our team at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz. The overarching aim of the HFSP project is to establish mechanoradicals as a new species in vivo, and to define their physiological role. You will closely collaborate with the labs of Ronen Zaidel-Bar, Tel Aviv University, and Alex Dunn, Stanford University. The results will have direct implications for tissue homeostasis, organism health and ageing. The aim of your project is to uncover the biophysical principles of mechanoradical formation and downstream signalling. To this end, you will employ Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy methods, tissue rheology, and redox biochemistry techniques. If interested, you can combine these with machine learning and molecular simulation methods we develop in our group. Your work will be tightly linked to our ongoing efforts within our ERC project RADICOL. Your profile: Master or PhD degree in biochemistry, biophysics, or related fields; Experience in EPR spectroscopy; Strong interest in protein radicals and their fate; Enthusiasm for international teamwork. We are a highly interdisciplinary and diverse group of scientists and provide an excellent and collaborative research environment. Please reach out for any further questions. Send your CV, your publication list, a short research statement, and contact info for three referees before October 1, 2024 to Frauke Gräter: graeter@mpip-mainz.mpg.de.

Stellenliste vom 2. September 2024

Das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz sucht eine*n Doktorand*in in Teilzeit (75 %) (m/w/d) für seine Inkorporationsmessstelle Berlin. Thema der Arbeit ist die Entwicklung von Methoden in der Inkorporationsüberwachung für medizinisch genutzte Radionuklide mit einem Schwerpunkt auf radioanalytischen Methoden der Ausscheidungsanalytik. Details können Sie der Stellenausschreibung auf der Website des BfS hier entnehmen. Die Bewerbungsfrist ist 23.9.

At Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Organic Chemistry, a PhD position is available for a period of 3 years (TV-L / E13, 50%) as part of a project of the DFG priority program SPP 2315. The aim of the project is the separation of minerals of critical raw materials from gangue materials with the aid of new light-switchable organic collectors whose structures are based on the natural substance punicine. Your tasks are the synthesis and characterization of such switchable molecules, the performance of flotations under different conditions and the interdisciplinary cooperation with engineers, mineralogists, process engineers and colleagues from analytical chemistry at Clausthal University of Technology and beyond. Your project therefore combines organic synthesis with applications. You have a diploma or master's degree in chemistry, ideally with a background in organic chemistry, enthusiasm for scientific research and good communication skills in English. Please send your application with the usual documents (cover letter, CV, certificates) by September 13, 2024 by e-mail (in a single PDF file) to Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmidt, e-mail: schmidt@ioc.tu-clausthal.de. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

The Institute for Materials Chemistry of the IFW Dresden offers a scientist/PhD-Student position (m/f/d) for the topic “Porous 2D materials” starting from 1 October 2024 and limited for 36 months in part-time with 67 %. Your key tasks: Fabrication and structural characterization of novel 2D materials. Developing new methodologies in the field of mass transfer across 2D materials. Design and implementation of permeation experiments with porous 2D materials. Publishing and presentation of scientific results. Your profile: As a successful candidate (m/f/d) you should have a Master’s degree or Diploma in Chemistry, Materials Science or Chemical Engineering. Profound knowledge of materials synthesis and their characterization using spectroscopic and microscopic methods is required. Experience in membrane separation and electroanalytical techniques is highly desirable. The application for this position should include a cover letter, CV, copies of certificates as well as reference letters (if available). Complete applications should be submitted under the reference number 059-24-3000 until 30.09.2024. Please send the application as a pdf file (other formats will not be accepted) to the following email-address: bewerbung@ifw-dresden.de. If you have further questions on the position please contact: Dr. Peter Dement (p.dement@ifw-dresden.de).

The Institute for Materials Chemistry of the IFW Dresden offers a scientist/PhD-Student position (m/f/d) for the topic “Molecular precursors and ALD growth of 2D materials” starting from 1 October 2024 and limited for 36 months in part-time with 67 %. Your key tasks: Rational design of molecular precursors for ALD growth of functional 2D materials. Chemical synthesis and structural analysis of organometallic precursors. Process development for the synthesis of 2D materials by means of ALD. Publishing and presentation of scientific results. Your profile: As a successful candidate (m/f/d) you should have a Master’s degree or Diploma in the field of Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry. Profound knowledge of the synthesis of organometallic compounds is required. Experience in working under inert conditions as well as in the purification and analysis of air sensitive compounds is required. Knowledge of thermal analysis and chemical vapor deposition techniques is desirable. The application should include a cover letter, CV, copies of certificates as well as two reference letters (or contact details of references). Complete applications should be submitted under the reference number 058-24-3000 until 30.09.2024. Please send the application as a pdf file (other formats will not be accepted) to the following email-address: bewerbung@ifw-dresden.de. If you have further questions on the position please contact: Prof. Dr. Anjana Devi (a.devi@ifw-dresden.de).

Stellenliste vom 26. August 2024

At Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Organic Chemistry, a PhD position is available for a period of 3 years (TV-L / E13, 50%) as part of a project of the DFG priority program SPP 2315. The aim of the project is the separation of minerals of critical raw materials from gangue materials with the aid of new light-switchable organic collectors whose structures are based on the natural substance punicine. Your tasks are the synthesis and characterization of such switchable molecules, the performance of flotations under different conditions and the interdisciplinary cooperation with engineers, mineralogists, process engineers and colleagues from analytical chemistry at Clausthal University of Technology and beyond. Your project therefore combines organic synthesis with applications. You have a diploma or master's degree in chemistry, ideally with a background in organic chemistry, enthusiasm for scientific research and good communication skills in English. Please send your application with the usual documents (cover letter, CV, certificates) by September 13, 2024 by e-mail (in a single PDF file) to Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmidt, e-mail: schmidt@ioc.tu-clausthal.de. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Stellenliste vom 19. August 2024

PhD position in the field of electrochemical synthesis at Leibniz Institute for Catalysis in Rostock 421-01/2024 (E13 TV-L, 66%, available from 15/10/2024). The department "Electrochemistry & Catalysis" offers a PhD project with focus on electrochemical depolymerization and upcycling of bio-based polymers. The research work will comprise preparative scale electrolysis, electroanalytic studies (cyclic voltammetry and related techniques), product characterization, and studies toward utilization of depolymerization products. We offer the chance to become a pioneer in electrochemical depolymerization in an excellent, international research environment at LIKAT Rostock. Mentoring and support for the doctoral student is provided through a comprehensive training phase and regular exchanges with the supervisor. Further information can be found here. For questions, please contact Prof. Robert Francke, (robert.francke@catalysis.de) directly. Application deadline: 02.09.2024.

PhD Position at the Dpt. Organic Chemistry of the University of Hohenheim:  The Gellrich group is developing molecular catalysts for applications in organic synthesis & energy storage. We are now seeking a dedicated chemist to develop metal-free catalysts for the semihydrogenation of alkynes using data science methods, offering a three-year, two-third position with the opportunity to pursue a doctorate. Your responsibilities will include synthesizing the catalysts, conducting catalytic reactions, and interpreting the results through multivariate analysis. A degree in chemistry, preferably with a focus on organic chemistry, is required. Experience with computational chemistry is a plus, an interest in interdisciplinary work and data science is essential. What we offer: salary grade 13 TVL, a workplace on “Germany’s most beautiful campus”, a professional, young team & a collegial, team-oriented working atmosphere with the opportunity to contribute to a newly established & evolving research group. If you are interested, we look forward to your application! Please apply here.

Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x) - At the TUD Dresden University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Institute of Materials Science, the Chair of Materials Science and Nanotechnology (Prof. Cuniberti) offers a position as Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x) (subject to personal qualification employees are remunerated according to salary group E 13 TV-L) starting at the earliest possible date. The position is limited to 36 months with the option of extension. The period of employment is governed by the Fixed Term Research Contracts Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz – WissZeitVG). The position aims at obtaining further academic qualification (usually PhD). Balancing family and career is an important issue. The position is generally suitable for candidates seeking part-time employment. Please indicate your request in your application. Tasks: The aim of the research work within the Collaborative Research Center CRC1415 “Chemistry of synthetic 2D materials” is to combine quantum mechanical (QM) methods with state-of-the-art machine learning (ML) techniques to investigate and predict the electronic and magnetic properties of the building blocks in two-dimensional (2D) polymers (e.g., (a)chiral covalent organic frameworks). Requirements: university degree in physics, chemistry, materials science, engineering or similar. You can find the complete job advertisement here.

Stellenliste vom 12. August 2024

Stellen zur Promotion im Fach Medizinische Chemie an der Universität Heidelberg: Im Rahmen eines EU-Konsortiums sind ab Anfang 2025 Stellen zur Anfertigung einer Dissertation insbesondere für MSc-Absolventinnen und Absolventen mit organisch-chemischem Hintergrund zu besetzen. Das EU-Konsortium entwickelt neue Strategien zur Verhinderung von Virusinfektionen. Die Gruppe von Christian Klein deckt einen Teil der chemischen Arbeiten ab: Insbesondere das Design und die Synthese von Substanzen, die in "kryptische pockets" und an glykosylierte Bereiche von Membranproteinen binden. Die hierfür benötigte Chemie ist anspruchsvoll und beinhaltet Methodenentwicklung. Für den Erfolg der Arbeiten wird es unausweichlich sein, mit biologisch, chemisch und theoretisch ausgerichteten Gruppen in zahlreichen europäischen Ländern zu kooperieren. Interessenten sollten daher in organischer Chemie sehr gut qualifiziert und zum interdisziplinären Austausch bereit sein. Bewerbungen erfolgen bitte an Prof. Christian Klein, ipmb-medchem@uni-heidelberg.de, mit dem Betreff SHIELD-2025.

Das KühnelLab an der Universität Hohenheim sucht eine/n motivierte/n Doktorandin/en (m/w/d) im Bereich künstliche Photosynthese (TVÖD 13, 50%). Wir erforschen die nachhaltige Gewinnung von Rohstoffen mithilfe von Sonnenenergie durch Kombination von Nanomaterialien mit molekularen Katalysatoren und Enzymen (kuehnel-lab.com). Unser internationales Team legt Wert auf ein gutes Miteinander, offene Kommunikation und Leistungsbereitschaft. AUFGABEN: Eigenständiges Konzipieren/Durchführen von Laborexperimenten, z.B. Synthese und Charakterisierung von Materialien/Koordinationsverbindungen, Erprobung als Photo-/Elektrokatalysatoren; Mitarbeit an Organisation und Lehrveranstaltungen des Fachgebiets Anorganische Chemie (z.B. Praktika). ANFORDERUNGEN: Masterabschluss in Chemie o.Ä. und sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse erforderlich; Teamsprit, Begeisterung für die Forschung und Bereitschaft, neue Arbeits- und Analysentechniken zu erlernen; Kenntnisse in Elektrochemie, Photokatalyse und Gaschromatographie von Vorteil. Fragen an moritz.kuehnel@uni-hohenheim.de. Onlinebewerbung bis zum 31.8.2024 über diesen Link.

Stellenliste vom 5. August 2024

12 PhD positions are offered at the University of Kassel in the interdisciplinary DFG-funded research training group „Biological Clocks on Multiple Time Scales“. The graduate school is investigating the principles of timekeeping in living organisms that orchestrate periodic processes with very different frequencies, ranging from infradian over circadian to ultradian rhythms. The unique approach is to combine the expertise of biologists, physicists, chemists, mathematicians, and engineers to advance the understanding of biological clocks. (Bio)chemical reaction networks and signal transduction are investigated experimentally as well as theoretically, e.g. by computer modelling. Applications should be submitted via the online form no later than October 29, 2024. Start for the positions is April 1, 2025. More information and forms can be found here.

Doctoral researcher / PhD position in Organic and Supramolecular Chemistry (f/m/d) at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Duisburg-Essen (for 3.5 years, E 13 TV-L, 67%, starting date 1.11.2024). We are looking for a PhD-candidate (f/m/d) for the research project “Interlocked molecules for Organocatalysis”. Within this project, you will synthesize, characterize and use novel organocatalysts for enantioselective catalysis. One focus will be the synthesis and application of catalysts based on interlocked molecules such as rotaxanes and catenanes. Are you passionate about Organic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry and Catalysis? Then we are looking forward to your application!  You need a degree (Master/Diplom, min. 4 years) in chemistry or a related field and should have a strong background in Organic Synthesis. Additional experience in the areas of Supramolecular Chemistry and Organocatalysis is helpful. German language skills are desirable. For further details, see here. Please submit your application with the usual documents (CV, cover letter, degree certificates) quoting reference 468-24 to Prof. Dr. Jochen Niemeyer (jochen.niemeyer@uni-due.de). Application deadline: September 4th, 2024

Im Institut für Anorganische Chemie an der Universität Tübingen in der Arbeitsgruppe Manßen ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt die Stelle einer/s Akademischen Mitarbeiterin/ Mitarbeiters (m/w/d; E 13 TV-L, 50 %) befristet für die Dauer von 3 Jahren im Rahmen einer Promotion zu besetzen. Die Manßen-Gruppe untersucht Komplexverbindungen der nachhaltigen, kostengünstigen und umweltfreundlichen frühen Übergangsmetalle in kooperativen Systemen. Dabei steht zum einen die Interaktion zwischen den Metallen und ihrem Ligandengerüst, zum anderen die Interaktion zwischen mehreren Metallzentren im Fokus. Dieses innovative Konzept der Kooperativität soll insbesondere Anwendung in der Aktivierung kleiner Moleküle finden und somit neue Möglichkeiten zur Aufwertung dieser essenziellen Bausteine schaffen. Das Aufgabengebiet umfasst die Planung und Durchführung von chemischen Synthesen auf dem Gebiet der Organischen und Anorganischen Chemie; die Herstellung, Isolierung, Aufreinigung und Analyse von empfindlichen Metallorganischen Verbindungen; Reaktionen mit Gasen und katalytische Anwendungen; die Auswertung, Zusammenfassung und Präsentation der Versuchsergebnisse inkl. Konferenzbeiträge und Publikationen in Fach-Journalen und die Betreuung von Chemie-Praktika am Institut. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gerne an Herrn Dr. Manfred Manßen, manfred.manssen@uni-tuebingen.de. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier und hier. Wir freuen uns über Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung bis zum 31.08.2024 per E-Mail.

Informationen für Stellenanbieter:innen von Doktorand:innen- und Postdocstellen

Richtlinien für die Einreichung von Kleinanzeigen

Stellenausschreibungen auf dieser Internetseite werden kostenlos aufgenommen, wenn sie per E-Mail eingehen. Die Stellenliste Hochschulen und Forschungsinstitute wird wöchentlich, in der Regel Freitagmittag, aktualisiert. Bitte senden Sie Ihre Angebote an karriere@gdch.de und setzen Sie den Anzeigentext (auf deutsch oder englisch) direkt in die Mail oder fügen ihn als .rtf-File bei. Bitte senden Sie uns kein pdf! Um Rückfragen zu vermeiden, geben Sie bitte jeweils an, ob die Veröffentlichung nur im Internet oder zusätzlich in den "Nachrichten" erfolgen soll. 

Die Ausschreibung sollte im Fließtext formuliert sein und max. 1.100 Zeichen umfassen, bei mehreren Stellenangeboten in einer Anzeige 1.500 Zeichen (inkl. Leerzeichen).
Bitte senden Sie uns keine gestaltete Anzeige! Bei Angabe einer Adresse verlinken wir aber gerne auf den vollständigen Ausschreibungstext. Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass wir Texte, die nicht unseren Richtlinien entsprechen, mit der Bitte um Überarbeitung an den Einsender zurückschicken oder ohne Benachrichtigung der Inserenten kürzen.
Deadline zur Einreichung ist Freitag bzw. am letzten Werktag vor einem Feiertag, 10 Uhr.

Um Stellensuchenden einen raschen Überblick zu ermöglichen, sollte der Anzeigentext im ersten Satz die ausgeschriebene Stelle (Doktorand:innen- oder Postdoc-Stelle etc.) und das ausschreibende Institut bzw. die Hochschule enthalten ("Am Institut für xxx der Universität yyy ist eine Doktorand:innenstelle zu besetzen"). Am Ende der Anzeige geben Sie bitte die Adresse für Bewerbungen und das Datum des Bewerbungsschlusses an. Muster finden Sie bei den aktuellen Stellenlisten unten. Kürzere Stellenanzeigen werden dabei eher am Anfang der Liste, längere und schwer lesbare Stellenanzeigen am Ende einsortiert.

Möchten Sie die Ausschreibung zusätzlich in den "Nachrichten aus der Chemie" veröffentlichen, so haben Sie zwei Möglichkeiten:

1. Die individuelle Anzeige mit Grafiken, Logo etc. Hier können Sie Gestaltung und Textlänge frei wählen. Beispiele für gestaltete Anzeigen finden Sie in unserer Stellenliste Industrie und öffentlicher Dienst. Die Kosten der Anzeige richten sich nach deren Größe. mehr

2. Eine Kleinanzeige im Fließtext ohne Logo, Grafiken etc. Wie bisher haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihre Internet-Kleinanzeige zusätzlich als Kleinanzeige in den "Nachrichten" zu veröffentlichen. Für die Veröffentlichung wird eine Pauschale von EUR 150,- zzgl. MwSt (pro Ausschreibung) berechnet. Bitte teilen Sie uns dann in Ihrer Mail mit, dass Sie die zusätzliche Veröffentlichung der Kleinanzeige in den „Nachrichten“ wünschen.

Information for job advertisers with doctoral and post-doctoral positions

Guidelines for the submission of job advertisements

Job offerings on this website will be posted for free on these websites if they reach us via E-Mail. The job list Universities and Research Institutes is published weekly, usually on Fridays.

Please send the text of your job advertisement to karriere@gdch.de and insert it right into the Mail or attach it as an .rtf-file. Please do not send PDF files! In order to avoid further inquiries from our sides please do also indicate whether the publication should be online only or additionally in the “Nachrichten”, our monthly member’s magazine.

The ad should have no more than 1.100 characters including blanks, or 1.500 characters if several positions are announced in one ad. We reserve the right to shorten longer texts without notifying the advertiser. Please do not send us a designed advertisement! However, you can of course link to the complete announcement on your website.
Deadline for the submission is Friday noon (12pm) or the last working day in the week (in case of public holidays).

To provide job seekers a quick overview, the first line of the advertisement should name the vacant position (e.g., doctoral or postdoctoral position, professorship, etc.) and the institute or university with the vacancy (e.g. "Doctoral position/professorship available at the Institute for xxx of yyy University" – please see sample texts). Please also mention the application deadline and give the address for applications at the end of the ad. Shorter adverts will thereby rank higher on the list than longer and more complex ones.

Should you additionally want to publish your announcement in “Nachrichten aus der Chemie”, you have two options:
1. The individual job advert with graphics, logos etc: Choosing this option you can decide on the layout and text length yourself. For examples for individual ads take a look at our online job market “Industry and public service”. Prices vary according to the ad’s size. more

2. A small ad in form of a continuous text without graphics, logos. etc: You can choose to publish the same announcement as from the list “Universities and Research Institutes” additionally as a small ad in the “Nachrichten”. For a small ad in print we charge EUR 150,- (+ tax). Please mention in your mail if you want an additional publication in the “Nachrichten”.

Kontakt: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V.
Karriereservice und Stellenmarkt
Postfach 90 04 40
60444 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 69 7917-665 oder -668

Auf Stellenliste Industrie & öffentlicher Dienst finden Sie gelegentlich weitere vakante Doktoranden-und Postdoc-Stellen.

Kumulative Promotionen
in Chemie & Biochemie. Aber wo? Mehr

Annahmeschluss für Anzeigen in den "Nachrichten aus der Chemie"

(Erscheinungstermin der Nachrichten ist immer der erste Werktag des jeweiligen Monats)

"Nachrichten" Heft 10/2024

Annahmeschluss für Anzeigen: 12.09.2024

"Nachrichten" Heft 11/2024

Annahmeschluss für Anzeigen: 15.10.2024

zuletzt geändert am: 06.09.2024 08:22 Uhr von A.Miller