
Hochschulen und Forschungsinstitute (© GDCh)

In die GDCh-Stellenliste "Hochschulen und Forschungsinstitute" werden Stellenausschreibungen von Doktorand:innen- und Postdoktorand:innenstellen an Hochschulen und anderen Einrichtungen des öffentlichen Dienstes aufgenommen, die sich an Absolvent:innen eines Studiums der Chemie, Biochemie, Lebensmittelchemie, Chemieingenieurwesen, Physik oder verwandter Richtungen wenden. Angebote auf Deutsch oder Englisch aus dem In- und Ausland sind willkommen.

Informationen für Stellenanbieter:innen von Doktorand:innen- und Postdocstellen

Information for job advertisers with doctoral and post-doctoral positions 

Zur Stellenliste "Professuren und wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs"

Stellenliste vom 29. Juli 2024

Two PhD positions at the German Institute of Human Nutrition (DIfE) in Potsdam-Rehbruecke to be filled starting Oct. 1, 2024 (for 3 years, E 13 TV-L, 65%). Your tasks comprise planning and conducting a human bioavailability study on macroalgae (PhD Position 1) or insects (PhD Position 2), analysis of vitamins, micronutrients and clinically relevant markers in human blood samples, independent development and establishment of new HPLC/mass spec methods for biomarker analysis. Practical experience in HPLC and mass Spec analysis and in handling human sample material are required, basic knowledge of data analysis (statistical programs) and their presentation (MS Office) are desirable, sound background in molecular biology or nutritional science. We offer a qualified training with intensive scientific supervision and collaboration in an interdisciplinary team as part of a structured PhD program and a dynamic and interactive research environment as well as outstanding working conditions and state-of-the-art equipment. More information can be found here. Please send your application documents (cover letter, CV, certificates, references) as a single pdf-file before Aug. 18, 2024 via e-mail to jobs@dife.de.

2 PhD positions in Organic/Macromolecular Chemistry. Reference Number: 161/24. At the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg in the Faculty of Environment and Natural Sciences, two Ph.D. positions are available at the Campus Senftenberg in the Department of Organic Chemistry and Polymers at the earliest possible date, for a duration of 4 years (E 13 TV-L, 66%). Position 1 will focus on ring-opening polymerizations for the synthesis of functionalizable, biodegradable polymers and tailoring of their properties for sustainable applications, while position 2 will focus on the synthesis and characterization of bio-based soft materials (hydrogels) with potential applications in biomedicine. More details on work tasks also related to teaching and personal requirements are accessible here, while further information on the group is available here. Please submit your application including a motivation letter, CV, grades and certificates in a single PDF document, stating the reference number, exclusively by e-mail by 31.08.2024 to Prof. Axel Neffe, Department of Organic Chemistry and Polymers, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, neffe@b-tu.de, ph: +49-3572-85811, who will also be happy to answer any further questions.

University Assistant postdoctoral, Institute of Physiological Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University Vienna. Job vacancy starting: 10/01/2024 | Working hours: 40.00 | Classification CBA: §48 VwGr. B1 lit. b (postdoc) | Limited contract until: 09/30/2027 | Job ID: 2789. Your personal sphere of play: The food industry today generates significant quantities of waste and by-products, which can be converted into valuable ingredients with exceptional techno-functional, nutritional, and biological attributes. This process contributes to a more circular economy. Your future tasks: You will actively participate in research, teaching, and administration. This is part of your personality: Completed doctoral/PhD study in food chemistry, food science and technology, or a similar field. Demonstrated research competence and initiative through international publications in peer-reviewed media. Didactic skills and experience in academic teaching. Experience in co-supervising PhD and master students. Excellent knowledge of English (C1 level); German language skills are desirable. A team player with high social and communicative skills. Further information and application here. If you have any questions, please contact: Marc Pignitter, marc.pignitter@univie.ac.at. Application deadline: 08/02/2024.

Stellenliste vom 22. Juli 2024

We offer a postdoctoral position for the synthesis of light-sensitive polymers for cancer chemotherapy that will start in November 2024 at the Institut Charles Sadron (Strasbourg, France). We are looking for a candidate holding a Ph.D. degree or equivalent in molecular (organic or polymer) chemistry with a strong interest for polymer sciences and interdisciplinary research at the interface of chemistry and biology. Applications must include at least a one-page cover letter explaining why you wish to work on this project and a detailed CV with the contact information of at least two references (persons who may be contacted). To apply, please submit your application on the CNRS job portal here. Any application received by any other manner will not be considered.

The research group “Chemical Biology” (AG Schwarzer) at the Interfaculty Institute of Biochemistry (IFIB) of the University of Tübingen invites applications for a Ph.D. Student Position in Chemical Biology. Earliest starting date: 01.10.2024. The aim of this Ph.D. project is to develop and use chemical tools for protein modification and synthesis. The project combines novel chemical synthesis strategies with cutting-edge methods of molecular biology, including directed protein evolution. Biochemical and biophysical methods will be applied to characterize the properties of the engineered designer proteins. Candidates should have an M.Sc. degree in chemistry or biochemistry and a strong interest in applying and developing chemical approaches to biological problems. Payment will be by TVL as a 65% position. The university seeks to increase the number of women in its scientific staff and encourages qualified women to apply. Equally qualified applicants with disabilities will be given preference. The employment will be carried out by the central administration of the University of Tübingen. Please send your application, including CV, letter of motivation, certificates and names of two references, by 31.08.2024 via e-mail to: bewerbung@ifib.uni-tuebingen.de.

University Assistant postdoctoral, Faculty of Chemistry, University Vienna. Job vacancy starting: 08/01/2024 | Working hours: 20.00 | Classification CBA: §48 VwGr. B1 lit. b (postdoc). Limited contract until: 07/31/2028. Job ID: 2738. Your personal sphere of play: Your future position is at the Department of Analytical Chemistry in the work group Bioanalysis headed by Prof. Christopher Gerner, characterized by excellent postgenomic analysis of complex systems, as well as applied research in the areas of non-invasive sampling techniques for individualize metabolic profiling. Your future tasks: Active participation in research, teaching & administration. This is part of your personality: Completed doctoral/PhD studies in subject chemistry or biotechnology; Experience with experimental lab work; Experience with transcriptomics, proteomics, lipidomics and metabolomics analysis techniques; Experience and programming skills with Python and R; Experience and adminstrative skills with Linux; Research compentence and initiative proven through international publications in peer-relevant media; Experience in research mangement and in leading project staff; Didactic skills; Excellent knowledge of English; Further information and application here. Contact: Christopher Gerner, christopher.gerner@univie.ac.at. Application deadline: 07/31/2024. 

University assistant predoctoral at the Faculty of Chemistry, University Vienna. Job vacancy starting: 10/01/2024 | Working hours:  30.00 | Classification CBA: §48 VwGr. B1 Grundstufe (praedoc). Limited contract until: 09/30/2027. Job ID: 2747. Your personal sphere of influence: You will complement the research team around Prof. Ahrends' working group. The focus of the planned research is on the analysis and collection of biomolecule data (DigiOmics4AUT) that play an important role as modulators of biological signaling processes, such as oxidized fatty acids and endocannobionoids to create a quantitative database. You actively participate in research, teaching & administration. This is part of your personality: Completed Master's degree or Diploma in chemistry, preferably in the field of analytical chemistry, medical biology or equivalent qualification; First practice in scientific writing and with research methods such as method skills: bionalytical chemistry, liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry; Didactic skills;     IT user skills; Knowledge of Chromatographic techniques coupled with mass spectometry is desirable; Very good knowledge of German and English; You should be a team player with high social skills. Further information and application here. If you have any questions, please contact: Robert Ahrends, robert.ahrends@univie.ac.at. Application deadline: 07/21/2024

Die Abteilung Atmosphärenchemie (ACD) sucht eine(n) motivierte(n) Doktorand(in) für ein Leibniz-Wissenschaftscampus-Clusterprojekt, in dem mehrere Leipziger Gruppen zusammenarbeiten, um Brände, Feuerökologie und atmosphärische Auswirkungen in seinem Cluster 1 in enger Zusammenarbeit und im Austausch mit dem DBFZ und iDiv besser zu verstehen. Aufgaben: Durchführung von Experimenten zur Verbrennung von Biomasse und zur atmosphärischen Alterung in der ACD-Kammer ACD-C und der Leipzig Biomass Burning Facility (LBBF), Beitrag zur weiteren Entwicklung des CAPRAM Biomasse-Verbrennungsmoduls, Untersuchung verschiedener Brennstoffe und der Emissionsalterung bei Tag und bei Nacht, Variieren Sie Bedingungen wie die Luftfeuchtigkeit und den NOx-Gehalt, Teilnahme an Feldkampagnen oder am LSC, Zusammenarbeit mit der Modellierung im LSC-Arbeitspaket 2.3 mit CAPRAM von ACD und den an der LSC beteiligten Modellierungsgruppen, Analysieren und interpretieren Sie alle Daten auf der Grundlage des aktuellen Stands der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse auf diesem Gebiet, Präsentation der Ergebnisse auf internationalen Konferenzen und Veröffentlichung in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften. Weitere Informationen zu dieser Stellenausschreibung sowie zum TROPOS finden Sie hier. Bitte senden Sie Ihre vollständigen Unterlagen in elektronischer Form unter dem Stichwort: ACD-PhD bis Freitag, 30. August 2024, ausschließlich elektronisch an bewerbung@tropos.de.

Universitätsassistent_in (Post-Doc) am Institut für Materialchemie (TU Wien). 40 Wochenstunden | Karenzvertretung. Am Institut für Materialchemie (TU Wien) ist eine Stelle als Universitätsassistent_in (Post-Doc), voraussichtlich ab September 2024 (40 Wochenstunden, befristet bis voraussichtlich 30.08.2029 bzw. auf die Dauer der Karenzvertretung) mit folgendem Aufgabengebiet zu besetzen. Ihre Aufgaben: Forschungstätigkeiten im Fachgebiet Molekulare Materialien mit Schwerpunkt "2D+ Materialien"; Synthese und Charakterisierung von 2D+ Materialien; Mitarbeit bei Prüfungen zur Vorlesung "Anorganische Chemie 2"; Projektarbeit und Führung von Projektgruppen; Betreuung von Studierenden; Mitarbeit bei Organisations- und Verwaltungsaufgaben sowie Evaluierungsmaßnahmen. Ihr Profil: Abschluss eines fachlich passenden Doktorates; Erfahrung in der Synthese und Charaktieriserung von 2D+ Materialien inkl. in-situ Techniken und Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie; Vertiefende Kenntnisse im Fachgebiet CVD von 2D+ Materialien; Erfahrung in Projektmanagement und Projektdissemination; Erfahrung in der Lehre; Ausgewiesene Publikationstätigkeit; Organisatorische und analytische Fähigkeiten sowie eine strukturierte Arbeitsweise; Interesse und Freude an der Forschung und Arbeit mit Studierenden und idealerweise Erfahrung in der Förderung von Nachwuchswissenschafter_innen; Teamfähigkeit und Problemlösungskompetenz. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung bis 08.08.2024. Jetzt hier bewerben.

Stellenliste vom 15. Juli 2024

Chemnitz University of Technology – PostDoc position – heterogeneous catalysis- A PostDoc position on intermetallic compounds in heterogeneous catalysis is available in the group Materials for Innovative Energy Concepts (Prof. Dr. Marc Armbrüster). Your tasks comprise the synthesis and characterisation of intermetallic catalytic materials, which will then be used to derive reliable structure-property relationships in the selective hydrogenation of α,β-unsaturated aldehydes. Our team is embedded in numerous interdisciplinary co-operations and technology transfer to industry plays an important part. A strong background in solid state chemistry and/or heterogeneous catalysis, with emphasis on synthetic aspects and characterisation, is advantageous. More information can be found here. Deadline for applications: August 12, 2024.

PhD position in organic chemistry at the University of Bremen. The group of Prof. Boris J. Nachtsheim at the University of Bremen invites applications for the position of a PhD student (E 13 TV-L, 50%) for 3 years. We are seeking a highly motivated researcher to work in the field of organic chemistry, focusing on either the synthesis of novel luminophores or hypervalent iodine chemistry. The ideal candidate should possess a strong background in organic chemistry, with experience in synthetic methodologies and characterization techniques. Applicants must hold, or be close to completing, an outstanding Master's degree in chemistry. Interested applicants are invited to submit their application in electronic form (as a single PDF file) to nachtsheim@uni-bremen.de. The application should include a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, copies of relevant certificates, a publication list (if applicable), and contact information for references. The application deadline is August 15th, 2024. 

The Coburger research group offers a PhD position in organometallic catalysis at Technical University of Munich (TUM), to be filled immediately (66% TVL-E13). We focus on the coordination chemistry of unusual cyclic phosphorus-centered biradicaloids. Our goal is to use their unique properties to develop more sustainable approaches in homogeneous catalysis, specifically to enable first-row transition metals to mimic the behavior of noble metals in olefin functionalization. In particular, the PhD project focusses on the developement of ambiphilic complexes for hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions. As part of this project, you will have the opportunity to delve into various aspects of organometallic chemistry and catalysis. By joining our research group, you will benefit from excellent supervision, a supportive and stimulating environment, and collaborate with like-minded researchers who share your passion for chemistry. For more information or to apply, please contact us at peter.coburger@tum.de.

PhD position (m/f/d) – 417-03/2024 in the area of Depolymerisation of bio-based polymers The research group of Prof. Torsten Beweries at Leibniz Institute for Catalysis (LIKAT Rostock) has an opening for a position. Your task: Your work will focus on the development of mechanochemical tools for the depolymerisation and upcycling of bio-based polymers. The candidate is being supervised by Torsten Beweries (LIKAT Rostock) and Matthias Bauer (Paderborn University) as part of an interdisciplinary joint project. Your competence: Excellent knowledge of German or English language is required. Experience in the field of organic chemistry and good knowledge of standard characterisation techniques (NMR, IR, GC, MS) is mandatory. Knowledge of organometallic chemistry would be desirable. The applicant should actively participate in problem solving across research topics in international interdisciplinary teams. Our offer: We offer a challenging PhD position in an excellent, international environment at LIKAT. The position is available from September 1, 2024 and limited to 3 years. The salary is based on public service rates of the German states (E13 TV-L, 66%). Please, send your application by e-mail (in one pdf file, max. 25 MB) quoting the reference number 417-03/2024 to bewerbungen@catalysis.de until August 9, 2024. For topic related questions, please contact Torsten Beweries directly. Further details can be found here.

Stellenliste vom 8. Juli 2024

Postdoc Position “PFAS Screening” in Environmental Analytical Chemistry (“Postdoc”) to be filled Oct. 1, 2024. The group of Environmental Analytical Chemistry conducts research and provides education in Environmental Science with a focus on analysis, occurrence and fate of organic pollutants, in particular per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). We are looking for a highly motivated candidate who contributes to our current research and teaching and supervises our analytical laboratory. The successful candidate holds a PhD (doctorate) and has a strong background in Environmental and Analytical Chemistry, as well as in LC-HRMS applications for PFAS. The applicant seriously pursues a career in academia and contributes to project funding and teaching. Salary is based on TV-L E13 and employment takes place via the Central Administration of the University. Please send your application with a detailed CV, a publication list, a statement of your research interests, and the names of two potential referees to: Prof. Dr. Christian Zwiener, Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Department of Geosciences, Schnarrenbergstr. 94-96, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany. E-mail: Christian.zwiener@uni-tuebingen.de

Am Institut für Chemie der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Prof. Dr. Christian Limberg) ist eine Promotionsstelle zu besetzen mit 2/3-Teilzeitbeschäftigung - E 13 TV-L HU. Der/die entsprechende Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (m/w/d) soll sich mit der Synthese von frustrierten Lews-Säure/Base-Paaren zur Aktivierung kleiner Moleküle befassen. Dazu gehören kreatives Moleküldesign, chemische Synthesen von Hauptgruppen-Verbindungen (Fokus auf Bismut), die spektroskopische Charakterisierung von reaktiven Spezies sowie Untersuchungen zum Katalysepotential der hergestellten Verbindungen. Ideal geeignete Kandidaten:innen besitzen ein abgeschlossenes wiss. Hochschulstudium im Bereich der molekularen Anorganischen Chemie, Erfahrungen im Arbeiten unter inerten Bedingungen, Teamfähigkeit und Interesse an mechanistischen Fragestellungen. Ihre Bewerbung mit Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, und Zeugnissen senden Sie bitte innerhalb von drei Wochen unter Angabe der Kennziffer  DR/093/24 an die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Chemie, Prof. Dr. Christian Limberg (Sitz: Brook-Taylor-Str. 2, Berlin-Adlershof), Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin; Bewerbungen per mail (christian.limberg@chemie.hu-berlin.de) sind ebenfalls möglich.

Stellenliste vom 1. Juli 2024

The three years position (1 October 2024 to 30 June 2028, 13 TV-L 65%) will focus on NMR spectroscopic and biophysical investigations of intrinsically disorder proteins (IDP) of plants. The project is hosted in the in the experimental group of Prof. Jochen Balbach, offering a stimulating interdisciplinary environment between structural biology, NMR physics, and protein biochemistry. Applicants require a master's degree in (Bio)Physics or (Bio)Chemistry or related area and should have basic knowledge in biochemical protein handling and Protein spectroscopy. More details to the DFG funded research centre 1664 SNP2Prot can be found here. More details to the research project can be found here. Direct applications to the Balbach group by an email to jochen.balbach@physik.uni-halle.de are possible till 15.07.2024. Do not hesitate to send further questions or to get further information using the latter email address.

Ph.D. Position in Biochemistry: Elucidation of the redox regulation mechanism of human histone deacetylase 8; Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany; to be filled as soon as possible. We are an interdisciplinary group of synthetic chemists, biochemists and biophysicists working on the functional modulation of histone deacetylases and their interactions with ligands.Your responsibilities include the application of biochemical, molecular and cell biological methods to elucidate the mechanism by which external and internal redox signals are transmitted to the important cancer target HDAC8 and thereby regulate its function. We invite applications from individuals holding a M.Sc. or an equivalent degree. Please submit your application, which should include a CV, academic transcripts, and a cover letter detailing your background, motivation, and interest, in a single PDF file to Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Meyer-Almes (franz-josef.meyer-almes@h-da.de). Feel free to contact us in advance if you have any questions. We look forward to receiving your application! Visit our website here for more details. 

PhD in Mass Spectrometry-based Metabolomics. At the Philipps University Marburg, group of Prof. R. Verena Taudte, a position for a Doctoral Researcher (salary level TV-L E 13) is available at the earliest possible date. We are offering a fixed-term part-time position (65%) for 3 years. The position includes scientific services in teaching and research, specifically applying mass spectrometry-based metabolomics to translational research questions. Research focus is metabolic investigation of breast cancer resistant cells and their secretome. Tasks will include complex sample preparation, data acquisition via modern LC- and GC-MS, data analysis including statistic evaluation and biomedical interpretation. Active participation in conferences and seminars are expected. The PhD position is part of the GRK 2573 “The inflammatory tumor secretome – from understanding to novel therapies”. This research training group GRK 2573 with a focus on the role of the tumor secretome in tumor progression and therapy resistance is characterized by its interdisciplinary composition of basic research-oriented as well as clinicllay active scientists. Our expectations are: A MSc-degree or equivalent in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Molecular Medicine/ Human Biology, Pharmacy, or Biology; prior knowledge of mass spectrometry, experience/ interest in cell culture and molecular biological methods; capacity for teamwork; great interest in translational research; high level of self-motivation, commitment and work ethics. Further details are available here

Stellenliste vom 24. Juni 2024

In der Anorganische Chemie der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal ist eine Doktorandenstelle (TV-L E13, 50%) zu besetzen. Die Stelle als wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in im Arbeitskreis von Prof. Dr. Carsten Jenne bietet die Möglichkeit zur Promotion auf einem modernen Gebiet der Anorganischen Molekülchemie mit einem Schwerpunkt auf der Chemie der Borcluster. Wir bieten eine moderne Laborausstattung in einem neuen Gebäude und ein sehr vielseitiges Tätigkeitsspektrum von synthetischen über spektroskopische, strukturanalytische zu theoretischen Methoden. Erwartet wird ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium der Chemie mit Schwerpunkt in der Synthesechemie. Kenntnisse der entsprechenden Arbeitstechniken, Team- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit und gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse sind erwünscht. Bewerbungen mit vollständigen Unterlagen sind unter Angabe der Kennziffer 24197 über das Onlineportal der Uni Wuppertal bis zum 22.07.2024 einzureichen.

PhD position (m/f/d) in organic chemistry at the University of Tübingen. The group of Ivana Fleischer invites applications for the position of PhD student (E 13 TV-L, 50 %) for the duration of 3 years. We are looking for a highly motivated researcher to work on the development of catalysts for the energy release from molecular solar thermal energy storage systems. Interested applicants should have a strong background in organic chemistry, mechanistic investigations (kinetics) and experience with organometallic chemistry and catalysis. They must hold, or are soon to complete, an outstanding Master degree in chemistry. Very good communication skills in English and excellent knowledge of organic chemistry are expected. The ability to work safely, independently and in a team environment is essential. Please send your application with the usual documentation (letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, copies of certificates, publication list, contact information of references) in electronic form (one pdf-file only) to: ivana.fleischer@uni-tuebingen.de. Deadline is 31.7.2024.

ERC-funded Ph.D. position in RNA Chemical Biology / Epitranscriptomics at Heidelberg University. Prof. Dr. Andres Jäschke's team explores natural RNA modifications' biological roles, connecting redox biology and gene expression via NAD-linked RNAs. Expanding beyond NAD-RNAs, this project explores coenzyme-linked RNAs' scope and importance. Novel capture methods will identify RNAs modified with various coenzymes. The project combines organic chemistry with biochemistry and bioinformatics. It encompasses diverse organisms, investigating occurrence, abundance, and structural diversity. We are seeking enthusiastic, motivated candidates interested in RNA biochemistry. A Master's degree in chemistry or biochemistry, strong academic performance, initiative, creativity, teamwork, solid English language skills, and biochemistry expertise are prerequisites. Experience in RNA biology, next-gen sequencing, or mass spectrometry is advantageous. Visit here to learn more. 

A PhD position at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the University of Graz, Austria is available. The research project focuses on the development of new coordination compounds that are suitable for the modeling of the active site of metalloenzymes aiming at a better understanding of the functionality of the enzymes. The applicant should have a master's or an equivalent degree in Chemistry. Experience in transition metal chemistry, inert atmosphere synthesis, and characterization techniques is beneficial. The candidate must have good capabilities in written and oral English. Participation in student education is expected. The institute offers PhD positions in a dynamic and international research team equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure. Applicants should send a detailed CV and copies of relevant documents together with a motivation letter electronically (PDF) no later than August 20th, 2024 to the secretariat (sara.pungor@uni-graz.at) of Prof. Dr Nadia C. Mösch-Zanetti, Institute of Chemistry/Inorganic Chemistry, University of Graz, Schubertstrasse 1, 8010 Graz/Austria. Research group website here.

Informationen für Stellenanbieter:innen von Doktorand:innen- und Postdocstellen

Richtlinien für die Einreichung von Kleinanzeigen

Stellenausschreibungen auf dieser Internetseite werden kostenlos aufgenommen, wenn sie per E-Mail eingehen. Die Stellenliste Hochschulen und Forschungsinstitute wird wöchentlich, in der Regel Freitagmittag, aktualisiert. Bitte senden Sie Ihre Angebote an karriere@gdch.de und setzen Sie den Anzeigentext (auf deutsch oder englisch) direkt in die Mail oder fügen ihn als .rtf-File bei. Bitte senden Sie uns kein pdf! Um Rückfragen zu vermeiden, geben Sie bitte jeweils an, ob die Veröffentlichung nur im Internet oder zusätzlich in den "Nachrichten" erfolgen soll. 

Die Ausschreibung sollte im Fließtext formuliert sein und max. 1.100 Zeichen umfassen, bei mehreren Stellenangeboten in einer Anzeige 1.500 Zeichen (inkl. Leerzeichen).
Bitte senden Sie uns keine gestaltete Anzeige! Bei Angabe einer Adresse verlinken wir aber gerne auf den vollständigen Ausschreibungstext. Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass wir Texte, die nicht unseren Richtlinien entsprechen, mit der Bitte um Überarbeitung an den Einsender zurückschicken oder ohne Benachrichtigung der Inserenten kürzen.
Deadline zur Einreichung ist Freitag bzw. am letzten Werktag vor einem Feiertag, 10 Uhr.

Um Stellensuchenden einen raschen Überblick zu ermöglichen, sollte der Anzeigentext im ersten Satz die ausgeschriebene Stelle (Doktorand:innen- oder Postdoc-Stelle etc.) und das ausschreibende Institut bzw. die Hochschule enthalten ("Am Institut für xxx der Universität yyy ist eine Doktorand:innenstelle zu besetzen"). Am Ende der Anzeige geben Sie bitte die Adresse für Bewerbungen und das Datum des Bewerbungsschlusses an. Muster finden Sie bei den aktuellen Stellenlisten unten. Kürzere Stellenanzeigen werden dabei eher am Anfang der Liste, längere und schwer lesbare Stellenanzeigen am Ende einsortiert.

Möchten Sie die Ausschreibung zusätzlich in den "Nachrichten aus der Chemie" veröffentlichen, so haben Sie zwei Möglichkeiten:

1. Die individuelle Anzeige mit Grafiken, Logo etc. Hier können Sie Gestaltung und Textlänge frei wählen. Beispiele für gestaltete Anzeigen finden Sie in unserer Stellenliste Industrie und öffentlicher Dienst. Die Kosten der Anzeige richten sich nach deren Größe. mehr

2. Eine Kleinanzeige im Fließtext ohne Logo, Grafiken etc. Wie bisher haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihre Internet-Kleinanzeige zusätzlich als Kleinanzeige in den "Nachrichten" zu veröffentlichen. Für die Veröffentlichung wird eine Pauschale von EUR 150,- zzgl. MwSt (pro Ausschreibung) berechnet. Bitte teilen Sie uns dann in Ihrer Mail mit, dass Sie die zusätzliche Veröffentlichung der Kleinanzeige in den „Nachrichten“ wünschen.

Information for job advertisers with doctoral and post-doctoral positions

Guidelines for the submission of job advertisements

Job offerings on this website will be posted for free on these websites if they reach us via E-Mail. The job list Universities and Research Institutes is published weekly, usually on Fridays.

Please send the text of your job advertisement to karriere@gdch.de and insert it right into the Mail or attach it as an .rtf-file. Please do not send PDF files! In order to avoid further inquiries from our sides please do also indicate whether the publication should be online only or additionally in the “Nachrichten”, our monthly member’s magazine.

The ad should have no more than 1.100 characters including blanks, or 1.500 characters if several positions are announced in one ad. We reserve the right to shorten longer texts without notifying the advertiser. Please do not send us a designed advertisement! However, you can of course link to the complete announcement on your website.
Deadline for the submission is Friday noon (12pm) or the last working day in the week (in case of public holidays).

To provide job seekers a quick overview, the first line of the advertisement should name the vacant position (e.g., doctoral or postdoctoral position, professorship, etc.) and the institute or university with the vacancy (e.g. "Doctoral position/professorship available at the Institute for xxx of yyy University" – please see sample texts). Please also mention the application deadline and give the address for applications at the end of the ad. Shorter adverts will thereby rank higher on the list than longer and more complex ones.

Should you additionally want to publish your announcement in “Nachrichten aus der Chemie”, you have two options:
1. The individual job advert with graphics, logos etc: Choosing this option you can decide on the layout and text length yourself. For examples for individual ads take a look at our online job market “Industry and public service”. Prices vary according to the ad’s size. more

2. A small ad in form of a continuous text without graphics, logos. etc: You can choose to publish the same announcement as from the list “Universities and Research Institutes” additionally as a small ad in the “Nachrichten”. For a small ad in print we charge EUR 150,- (+ tax). Please mention in your mail if you want an additional publication in the “Nachrichten”.

Kontakt: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V.
Karriereservice und Stellenmarkt
Postfach 90 04 40
60444 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 69 7917-665 oder -668

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(Erscheinungstermin der Nachrichten ist immer der erste Werktag des jeweiligen Monats)

"Nachrichten" Heft 10/2024

Annahmeschluss für Anzeigen: 12.09.2024

"Nachrichten" Heft 09/2024

Annahmeschluss für Anzeigen: 15.08.2024

zuletzt geändert am: 26.07.2024 10:17 Uhr von A.Miller